Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Scrapbook Layouts

A few more favorite Scrapbook Layouts - 

I used off white acrylic paint on plain red card stock for the background of this layout.  

The letter is a copy of one that Leigh wrote at school in 1994.  I reduced it to fit on the page and distressed it with Tim Holtz distress ink. 

Christmas Wish

In the Blink of an Eye - pictures from 1990 and 2005 

OOPs!  I just realized that I misspelled Surprised !!! LOL!!!  Still love the layout though.  That's the fun of scrapbooking - you don't have to be perfect!!!  The Cricut should have spell check on it!!

My Singer Pixie - LOVE IT!  Mom bought this for me and it is made for crafting.  It is only about 10 inches long by about 10 high and keeps me from having to open up my Grandma's old Singer that is in the cabinet.  I love to stitch on my pages and this makes it so easy to do.

Singer Pixie Sewing Machine


  1. I want a cute little purple machine-it's adorable.

  2. Thanks Tara! Don't think you could really use it for heavy duty sewing but it is great for paper crafting. And it's purple!

  3. Oh! I had one of the cute little Pixie sewing machines, and :( I broke it! I am terribly hard on sewing machines. I want another but I am afraid I will break it too...I think I used too thick of paper, several pieces layered together.

    1. So far mine is holding up, but they aren't really made for intense sewing. I use my Grandma's 1970's avocado green Singer for the really heavy stuff. It is indestructible.

  4. How dumb am I? Now I put awards, certificates but never thought of putting a note from my daughter in the scrapbool. May have to remedy that one day.
    Thanks for sharing the layouts.

  5. Carla - I was just lucky that I kept this letter! I've got files on each person in the family and keep things that have meaning. If it was up to my Husband he would have thrown it all away years ago!

    Thanks for stopping by!


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