Wednesday, July 25, 2012

We were Spotlighted!

Woohoo!  We received the Newbie Spotlight from Gina at Random Thoughts of an Incoherent Mind

I just love the name of her blog - most days this is exactly how I feel - totally incoherent.  Certainly fits today as I'm spending it at the hospital with the Hubby.  He had surgery yesterday that took much longer than expected, but the good news is that he is doing well and is expected to make a full recovery - thank the Good Lord!

Thanks again to Gina for the award and Debbie of Debbiedoo's for hosting the Newbie Link Party!

We are so honored!  Woohoo!

(We say Woohoo a lot! But what the heck, Woohoo!)

Happy Dance!


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  1. Congratulations on your blog recognition!
    Thanks for stopping over from the link up party. I look forward to reading through your blog!
    Rhiannon at

  2. Congrats! Thanks for joining us in the Bloglovin Blog Hop!

  3. Congratulations on the award. Thanks so much for joining in the Bloglovin blog hop. I'm a new follower via bloglovin and gfc. I host a weekly link party on Wednesdays and I'd love for you to join in some time.

  4. Congrats on the spotlight!
    Hope the Hubby is on the mend and doing well.


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