Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sonic Drink Sign - Office Version

Back in August, while the hubby was in the hospital, I created a sign inspired by Shannon at Sweet Blessings.  She has lots of great versions and different colors.

Check out our original post here - Sonic Drink Sign

Here's my original version -


I recently received a request from reader for an Office version.  So Mignon, this one's for you -

Here's the original printable - 

Hope everyone is having a Wonderful Christmas! I've been too busy to post much of anything this month.  Maybe next year I'll get started earlier....nope, it will never happen! I'm the Queen of the Last Minute Christmas!


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  1. these are so cute! I love me some sonic limeade but don't get to one nearly enough.

    1. Mine is Diet Coke with Cherry and Vanilla! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

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