That being said, I've had a green salad with almost every meal in the month of January and I'm just about SICK of them! I've been trying to mix it up the last 2 weeks and have been making this veggie salad that we have been eating for years. It's a great alternative to a plain green salad.
Ingredients -
1 large peeled cucumber chopped
1 cup tomatoes chopped (I used grape tomatoes)
2 stalks celery chopped
1 cup onions chopped (I used red, but green or white works fine too)
2-3 tblsps Italian dressing
Salt & Pepper to taste
Optional - 2 tblsps crumbled Gorgonzola cheese
Chop all ingredients, add Italian dressing, stir to coat all vegetables. Add Gorgonzola, if desired and salt and pepper to taste. Let sit for 30 minutes prior to serving.
That's all there is to it! Makes a nice change from a plain green salad and has a nice crunch to it. It keeps well in the fridge and tastes better the longer it marinates.
Let us know how you like it!

Well it looks yummy if you like cucumbers. Sorry I don't but I think I want to try for My Cowboy. I can share with the neighbor too. I know what you mean about eating better. He is the one around here that needs the jolt. He'll enjoy this. I love a green salad. I wish I could eat more. Salad greens tend to go bad since I am the only one eating them most of the time. Thanks for sharing this. I'll try soon I hope. Have a great week,
Let us know how he likes it Sherry! I love green salads too and recently bought salad mix from Kroger that had fresh dill in it. Wow! Who knew it would be so delicious! Now the same mix doesn't have dill in so we've been buying it separately and adding it to the mix. It gives our plain green salads a whole different taste. Thanks so much for stopping buy and leaving such a sweet comment! Hope to talk with you again real soon!