Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Book Village

This is a repost of one of my favorite decorations from last year. Hope you enjoy it!

I was blessed to have a Mother who loved to read and passed that love along to me.  I also married a book lover and raised  Leigh up to be one too!  Being a book lover, I'm also a library nerd and saw this awesome idea at our local library here in Crosby.  As soon as I saw it, I knew that I just had to have one of my very own.  Christmas houses made of books? Two of my most absolute favorite things and I knew just the place to put it - on the piano in Mr. Crafty's office.

Christmas Village, book crafts, Christmas DIY

 This is so incredibly easy and doesn't damage the books in any way.  Just take four to five books (depending on how wide you want your house to be), find an appropriately sized Christmas card for the front and tie the card on to he books with yarn, string, or ribbon. Then open a book for the top.  Add a little snow batting, bottle brush trees and fake snow and you have an adorable village.

Christmas Village, book crafts, Christmas DIY

Christmas Village, book crafts, Christmas DIY

I can tell you that this is going to be a permanent fixture of our Christmas decorating for many, many years to come.  It is just adorable and made of books which is something we have an abundance of!  Readers Digest books are the perfect size for this and since we collected them for most of the 90's - we have them in every color under the rainbow!

So easy, quick and cheap!!! Stress free Christmas decorating at it's finest.  Wishing you all a happy and stress free Christmas!


1 comment:

  1. hi from the blog hop! i have a little ceramic village for christmas but the bookworm in me totally loves this one! xo


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