Sunday, February 22, 2015

16 Clever DIY Picks

One of our most popular Pinterest boards is our Clever Stuff board. We have everything from painted mason jars, to clever things do with toilet paper rolls and all those other things that when you see them you say "Duh, why didn't I think of that?" on it. There are so many clever bloggers out there with brilliant hacks and DIY's and this is our attempt to put all of this information in one place.

Here are 16 of our favorite pins from our board, a few are from our blog, but most are from other insanely clever bloggers. Thanks to all of the bloggers mentioned here for sharing your genius with the rest of us!

hacks, DIY's, Pinterest Picks, clever stuff

Pool Noodle door stop to keep your toddlers safe by Diana Mattoni

Use Toiled Paper Rolls to keep your Wrapping Paper neat and orderly from DIY n Crafts

Use an Empty Plastic Container to Elevate Candles and use less Vase Filler 

This is one of my favorites and it does work! Can't believe how easy it is to peel eggs with a spoon by Made By Pinterest

This is a new find and I can't wait to try it! Wrapping Paper Storage by Chic Site

I cleaned out the garage last weekend and used this to wrangle all the extension cords we had collected over the years - worked like a charm! Thanks Real Simple

This is an easy DIY that Mr. Crafty did for me a few years back. I was so tired of wrestling with my cookie sheets and cupcake tins and he figured out how to give me upright storage in our stock cabinets! So easy and keeps them all upright without sliding all over the place. Cookie Sheet Storage

This quick trick will save your Solar Lights when the batteries die by Kathe With an E

This trick really works! Who would have thought that Windex would Remove Stains from Carpet? Shabby Creek Cottage did!

Check out our Easy Jewelry Storage using cuphooks and dowels - Easy Jewelry Storage

This adorable Softball Wreath is our most repinned Pin on our Clever Stuff Board. 
The Pinterest Project hit it out of the park with this one!

I've used this idea for painting rice to use as vase filler and plan on making red, white and blue beans to use for July 4th this year. Easy DIY by Griffiths Rated

Do you have problems with keeping your cupcake liners from being crushed? Turn a breadcrumb container into liner storage - Crafty In Crosby Cupcake Liner Storage

What a clever use of all those little pots that bedding plants come in by Garden Maine

These painted spoons would be a great shower gift and are another popular pin on our board. Christina's Adventures has an easy tutorial on making your own.

And don't forget your Emergency Supplies! Kandy Kreations has a great way to keep them handy!

Who couldn't use some of these clever ideas to make your life easier? All of them are quick and easy and I'm sure that you will find at least one or two of these easy DIY's that will work in your life!

Check out our Pinterest Board - Clever Stuff for even more easy DIY's.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week! Stay warm and stay safe!

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Carla! I just love finding useful DIY's on Pinterest.

  2. So useful board !!! Surely I will use them to organize all our cables and wrapping paper!!! Nice to find you from Tuesday turn it up link party!!! Greetings!!!!

    1. I had to stop and admire all my extension cords today! They are all nice and neat thanks to that tip! Thanks so much for stopping by! We hope you come visit again soon!

  3. Wow! These are such nice tips! I just love the Windex one for stains on carpet... I am going to try that. I also love the toilet paper roll over wrapping paper to keep it together. Great ideas!

    1. Thanks Carrie! I can tell you that I've tried both of those and they work great! I've also used paper towel rolls for my wrapping paper and sometimes I use 2 toilet paper roll on one roll of wrapping paper - one on top and one bottom. Thanks for stopping by!


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