Friday, September 18, 2015

Halloween Costume circa 1987

For those of you that don't know, not only am I a Pinterest Junkie, but I have a severe addiction to Instagram. Recently I've discovered some amazing vintage stores on Instagram, much to the hubby's chagrin, not to mention his pocket book!!! Poor guy, he puts up with a lot!

Tonight as I was scrolling through my Instagram feed I followed a hashtag to #upstatefabric and saw a blast from the past. Upstate Vintage & Threads had a fabric panel that was the same one I used to make a Halloween costume for Leigh in 1987. She was almost 10 months old then and I found this adorable Trick-or-Treat bag panel and turned it into a costume for her. I've always made the kids costumes and this was an easy way to make a semi-homemade one.

I apologize in advance for the terrible cell phone photos, but I was just too lazy tonight to break out the big camera!

vintage Halloween, Vintage Halloween Costume, pumpkin costume, pumpkin leaf hat

Here is a terrible cell phone photo of a Polaroid - yes I said Polaroid from 1987!!! Wow, have times changed! Back in 1987 we didn't even have cell phones! But look at my adorable babies! A Pirate and a Pumpkin!

vintage Halloween, Vintage Halloween Costume, pumpkin costume, pumpkin leaf hat

I still have that little costume and we dress up a teddy bear in it each year.

vintage Halloween, Vintage Halloween Costume, pumpkin costume, pumpkin leaf hat
The hat is my favorite part. I made it out of felt leaves that were outlined in sharpie. It's adorable!

vintage Halloween, Vintage Halloween Costume, pumpkin costume, pumpkin leaf hat

vintage Halloween, Vintage Halloween Costume, pumpkin costume

vintage Halloween, Vintage Halloween Costume, pumpkin costume
If you are looking for a costume for a little one, head on over to Upstate Vintage & Thread's Instagram to check out the panel she has up for sale.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

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